Kommande bok om institutionell konkurrens
2 aug 2007, kl 17:56
bergh in Alldeles för internt, Lite väl akademiskt
Förlaget vill ha nedanstående katalogtext. Är det bara jag som tycker att första meningen är lite underlig språkligt?
Perspectives onInstitutional Competition
Why iscompetition between institutions usually viewed in a negative light, whilebeing considered positive in all other economic contexts? The contributors tothis volume introduce new perspectives on the issue, analytically andempirically exploring the reasons why this has been the case. They then arguethat competition may actually lead to institutions becoming more efficient inallocating resources.
Contributors include: A. Bergh, P. Bernholz, V. CurzonPrice, L. Field, R. Höijer, V. Vanberg, R. Vaubel, E. Weede, M.Wohlgemuth
Article originally appeared on (http://andreasbergh.se/).
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