På konferens i USA, där jag bl a träffade Garrett Jones, som - i strid med all politisk korrekthet - testat att inkludera nationella IQ-mått i tillväxtregressioner.
Han finner att om humankapital förklarar tillväxt, kommer detta från IQ, inte från utbildning:
Intelligence, Human Capital, and Economic Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach
Human capital plays an important role in the theory of economic growth, but it has been difficult to measure this abstract concept. We survey the psychological literature on cross-cultural IQ tests and conclude that intelligence tests provide one useful measure of human capital. Using a new database of national average IQ, we show that in growth regressions that include only robust control variables, IQ is statistically significant in 99.8% of these 1330 regressions, easily passing a Bayesian model-averaging robustness test. A 1 point increase in a nation's average IQ is associated with a persistent 0.11% annual increase in GDP per capita.
Jones, Garett; Schneider, W. Joel, Journal of Economic Growth, 2006
Se även Niclas inlägg i frågan.