Ingen global värdekonvergens?
29 okt 2010, kl 16:38
bergh in Lite väl akademiskt, Samhälle och politik, real development

Gjorde en sökning på McDonaldization. Fann 103 vetenskapliga publikationer. Ur abstract till en av dessa: 

It is frequently asserted that the ongoing process that is commonly referred to as globalization should bring about wide-spread changes in values. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that the unparalleled increases in the flow of capital, goods, services and information coupled with the revolutionary developments in information and communication technologies should result in a convergence of values.

Sedan kommer lite om att tesen testas med world value survey. Resultat:

The conclusion is that cultural value change has been rather limited during this period at least for this sample of countries. Among the dimensions studied, marriage, family and gender relations seem to be the area of most significant change. On the other hand, we have found almost no evidence for even a slow convergence of values.

Källa: Esmer, Y. (2006). "Globalization, "McDonaldization" and Values: Quo Vadis?" Comparative Sociology 5(2-3): 183-203.

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