Vad bestämmer subjektivt välbefinnande i Sverige?
29 nov 2010, kl 14:09
bergh in Lite väl akademiskt

Här är ett papper att hålla koll på: "Living conditions and life satisfaction in Sweden" av Martin Berlin och Niklas Kaunitz.

Ur Abstract:

Our cross-sectional and panel results suggest that marriage or cohabitation is a strong positive determinant of life satisfaction. The eff ect of having any children in the household is neutral for couples, whereas there is a sizeable negative e ect for single-parents. In accordance with previous literature, we estimate a negative e ffect of unemployment and a positive eff ect of self-employment, compared to full-time employment. While we do find a positive association between satisfaction and being in the top of the cross-sectional income distribution, there does not seem to be a general relation with income. Instead, we fi nd that having some economic margins is a much stronger and more robust predictor of life satisfaction.

Work in progress och seminarium i morgon faktiskt (kl 1200, A700 på SU). Men resultaten som återges i abstract verkar både rimliga och intressanta.


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