3 jan 2011, kl 9:18

Nyanserad artikel om science wars av Michael Bérubé i tidskriften Demcracy. Först försvarar han Social Text redaktörerna:

Imagine, dear reader, that this essay has been submitted to you, and that you have no reason to think that it is anything but an ordinary journal submission. ... why should anyone consider it strange that a physicist would be saying strange things about the physical world?

Sedan ger han Sokal rätt på en viktig punkt: Vänstern i vid bemärkelse har inte vunnit på den relativistiska kunskapssynen:

But what of Sokal’s chief post-hoax claim that the academic left’s critiques of science were potentially damaging to the left? That one, alas, has held up very well, for it turns out that the critique of scientific “objectivity” and the insistence on the inevitable “partiality” of knowledge can serve the purposes of climate-change deniers and young-Earth creationists quite nicely.

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