Ur senaste AER
13 dec 2011, kl 23:50

Acemoglu vidhåller att institutioner kan främja tillväxt, även när de påtvingas från ovan, och stödjer sig på franska revolutionen (Länk):

the view that “designed” and externally imposed institutions are unlikely to foster economic progress would suggest that the French Revolution should have significant negative effects … on the contrary, evidence from a variety of different empirical strategies shows that they had positive effects

Dessutom: Ett ultimatum-spel med high stakes – upp till en knapp årslön i Indien. Med väntat (?) resultat (Länk):

among responders we find a considerable effect of stakes: while at low stakes we observe rejections in the range of the extant literature, in the highest stakes condition we observe only a single rejection out of 24 responders.

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Article originally appeared on (http://andreasbergh.se/).
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