About SAMOT.
28 aug 2011, kl 17:14

Jag är nog inte den enda idag som undrar vad det är för forskning vars slutsatser i debattartikelform låter som om de var skrivna av kommunalt aktiva vänsterpartister:

Ansvariga politiker måste våga gå emot en stor opinion av allmänhet, representanter för fordonsindustrin och motorjournalister genom att avsevärt höja skatterna för privatbilismen, ta klar ställning till vad som ska vara privatbilens roll i ett långsiktigt hållbart samhälle samt konsekvent arbeta för en förbättrad kollektivtrafik.

Forskningen kommer från SAMOT, som tycks vara någon form av Vinnova-skapelse. Texten som kommer när man klickar about är fascinerande:

Three related main themes constitute the basis for this research profile. Public transport is primarily regarded as being something that is perceived. Here, the perception of the passenger forms the natural departure point, but the employees' perceptions of the service operation, and their own work, are also worth noting and studying in more detail. The next question is twofold; What is it, in actual fact, that is perceived;

What is public transport's "product" or customer offering? We are of the opinion that this offering is, to all intents and purposes, synonymous with the way in which the operations of the public transport companies are organised.

Finally, we would also like to highlight the underlying frameworks and rules of play governing the sector and its players. This is where the foundations are laid for the customer offerings produced, and thus also for the public transport that the passenger finally experiences.

Article originally appeared on (http://andreasbergh.se/).
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