Hur skapades Rehn-Meidnermodellen?

Det är lustigt hur saker och ting blir sanna bara för att forskare är för lata för att kolla upp fakta. Jag var nyss på vippen att göra som "numerous authors" och påstå att den svenska aktiva arbetsmarknadspoltiken hittades på av Gösta Rehn i en rapport till LO-kongressen 1951 - men så fann jag på följande:
Toft, Christian. 2003. "Evidence-based Social Science and the Rehnist Interpretation of the Development of Active Labor Market Policy in Sweden during the Golden Age: A Critical Examination." Politics & Society 31:567-608.
In light of Rehn’s reputation as the “prime architect behind Sweden’s postwar labor market policy,” it is surprising to discover how little he actually wrote on the subject. [...] Numerous authors claim that Rehn’s case for active labor market policy was stated for the first time in the famous report to the 1951 congress of the Trade Union Confederation (LO) [...] The report [...] does not list Rehn amongst the authors, but he and Rudolf Meidner helped prepare it, and since former prime minister Tage Erlander in his memoirs from 1974 stated that Rehn was the main man behind the report, its ideas are usually credited to Rehn.
Sedan följer en rolig passage:
It is regarded by Rehnists as something of a Bible, but like the real thing, it appears to be more referred to and quoted than actually read. The report is 224 pages long and none of the said authors, including Rehn, tell us where in the report the new active labor market policy strategy is described. In fact, a reading of the report reveals that it contains no more than a few loose and scattered remarks concerning labor market policy. (Toft, p. 572)
Toft menar att Rehn-Meidner modellen blev blev en sådan för att man i efterhand talade om den på det viset:
In his retrospect from 1977, Rehn mentions that it had now become custom to talk about a Rehn-Meidner or a Rehn model, though again he did not appear fully comfortable with this. Nonetheless, references to a Rehn model became more frequent in the literature until the full economic model finally came to light in 1984 in Meidner and Anna Hedborg’s Folkhemsmodellen, which contained a chapter titled “Rehn’s Model” and another titled “New Conditions for the Rehn Model?” (p. 574)
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