Andreas Bergh is associate professor in Economics at Lund university and fellow at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics in Stockholm.

His research concerns the welfare state, institutions, development, globalization, trust and social norms.

He has published in journals such as European Economic Review, World Development, European Sociological Review and Public Choice. He is the author of 'Sweden and the revival of the capitalist welfare state" (Edward Elgar, 2014).

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Tips: Econ Journal Watch

Econ Journal Watch är en tidskrift jag tipsar om lite då och då, främst för att den innehåller mycket intressant på en meta-nivå rörande nationalekonomisk forskning.

Just nu kallar de in papper om preferensförfalskning inom akademien:

In his or her essay, the author should clarify the kind of preference falsification in which he or she has engaged. For example:

  • Building models one does not really believe to be useful or relevant.
  • Making simplifications that obscure or omit important things.
  • Using data one does not really believe in.
  • Focusing on the statistical significance of one’s findings while quietly doubting economic significance.
  • Engaging in data mining.
  • Drawing “policy implications” that one knows are inappropriate or misleading.
  • Keeping the discourse “between the 40 yard lines”so as to avoid being outspoken; knowingly eliding fundamental issues.
  • Tilting the flavor of policy judgments to make a paper more acceptable to referees, editors, publishers, or funders.
  • Disguising one’s methodological or ideological views,such as by omitting revealing activities or publications fromone’s vitae.
  • For government, institute, or corporate economists: Having to significantly play along with things one does not believe in.
Berömvärt - men kommer någon att nappa?

För övrigt: Redaktör Klein kunde inte låta bli att påpeka följande:
Let it be known that in his 1997article in American Journal of Economics and Sociology,EJW Co-editor Fred Foldvary wrote:
"the next major bust, if there is no major interruptionsuch as a global war, will be around 2008."
Citation: Fred E. Foldvary. 1997. The Business Cycle: AGeorgist-AustrianSynthesis. American Journal of Economicsand Sociology 56(4): 521-41, quote at p. 538

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Du ska ha tusen tack för tipset. Redaktören har dessutom utsett Ratio till den enda marknadsliberala fyrbåken utanför den anglosaxiska världen:
4 nov | Unregistered CommenterMartin
jag vet.
4 nov | Registered Commenterbergh

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