I Sokals fotspår...
Det är inte bara postmodernister som blir drivna med. Här är sida som genererar "random computer science research papers".
En sådan artikel blev nyligen antagen till "2009 International Conference on e-Business and Information System Security" (Jodå, en sådan konferens finns).
Abstract är roligt:
DHCP and Internet QoS, while robust in theory, have not until recently been considered compelling. In fact, few hackers worldwide would disagree with the exploration of multicast applications, which embodies the confusing principles of robotics. In order to fulfill this mission, we introduce a scalable tool for evaluating Internet QoS (PlusPug), which we use to prove that digital-to-analog converters and XML are regularly incompatible.
Reader Comments (4)
"Accepted. Topic of this paper is related to this conference. This paper mainly studies on a methodology for the improvement of local-area networks. The author introduces a scalable tool for evaluating Internet QoS(PlusPug), which the author uses to prove that digital-to-analog converters and XML are regularly incompatible. The author’s work is suggestive, and the point of view deserves researching. Figures in this paper seem exact, which makes this paper more convictive. There is no major modification opinion, only please pay more attention to Englishgrammatical rule and format your paper according to the template provided by conference homepage. We look forward to seeing you in EBISS2009."
Jag gillar speciellt gnället om dålig grammatik, med tanke på hur deras egen rapport ser ut. Om de kunde skriva en kod som producerade referee-rappporter med lite mer substans än den ovan skulle jag mer än gärna vilja ha tillgång till den. Vilken dröm det vore!