Heller vs Rodrik om utveckling

På MarginalRevolution skriver Michael Heller, författare till Capitalism, Institutions, and Economic Development, så här i kommentarstråden:
The solution I propose is a crisis-induced macro policy sequence for constructing the right institutions - - markets to law, law to bureaucracy, bureaucracy to democracy. This replicates the original transitions to capitalism.
As far as we know, none of the original transitions to durable prosperity started with health or education. They started with markets, then law, then public administration. Health and education followed rapidly in their wake. But of course evidence and modeling may eventually cause us to change our minds about that sequence.
Heller är kritisk mot Rodriks idéer om att bistånd bör inriktas på hälsa och utbildning, i en annan development-bok (med Easterly & Cohen som redaktörer).
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