Andreas Bergh is associate professor in Economics at Lund university and fellow at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics in Stockholm.

His research concerns the welfare state, institutions, development, globalization, trust and social norms.

He has published in journals such as European Economic Review, World Development, European Sociological Review and Public Choice. He is the author of 'Sweden and the revival of the capitalist welfare state" (Edward Elgar, 2014).

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Resilience hit och retrenchment dit... Funderar allvarligt på att döpa mitt nya papper till:
The no-fuzz guide to dismantling the welfare state: Five steps you can easily implement in your own country
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Reader Comments (11)

Det första förslaget var ju lysande! Kör på den. Dock inte i närheten så cool som "I just ran 10 million growth regressions" som Sala-i-Martin döpte ett av sina papers till.

Förövrigt föreslår jag, att om det nu är så enkelt som du menar, att du skickar ett ex av ditt paper till Rosenbad, med kommentaren Läs&Lär :)
Den första är bra. Men kanske ändra till: "The no-nonsense guide..."


"Dr Bergh or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Efficiency"
11 jul | Unregistered CommenterDaniel

"Take control over your budget: A self help guide to curing your countries tax addiction."

Fast den själv-hjälp-bok JAG hade velat se är:

Pest control: How to cure your countries' addiction to politicians.

För chansen att politikerna själva skulle välja att minska sin egen makt ser jag som mycket liten.
Eller på svenska:

"Välfärdsvinsten: Strävan efter vinst och utdelning ger bättre välfärd för skattepengarna"
11 jul | Unregistered CommenterHans
"How to dismantle your welfare state in five easy steps (without losing an election)"
"How to dismantle your welfare state in only ten years (without losing an election)"

eller varför inte

"Bergh-dieten: lär din stat leva ett rikt, hälsosamt liv på endast halva utgifterna"

Annars gillade jag alla titlarna, i synnerhet undertitlarna. Det heter väl "no-fuss" dock? Fussy, I know. But not fuzzy.
12 jul | Unregistered CommenterTom
^ no, no, I like no fuzz! It implies, no police, no nanny state... ;)
13 jul | Unregistered CommenterDaniel
What´s wrong? Why? can someone explain what is that all about? heheh. I love the welfare state!
^That's a really long, not very good title with too many parts.
16 jul | Unregistered CommenterDaniel
I don't like nanny states as well, I think it's the worst thing which can happen to a country and its people. As hans wrote, dismantle it? In five years? Even in shorter time!
"How to kill a Bumble bee"?
20 jul | Unregistered CommenterDennis
Well, in Germany we know very well the problem. I would suggest: " how to lower unemployment benefits in order to let people seriously look for a job"

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