Andreas Bergh is associate professor in Economics at Lund university and fellow at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics in Stockholm.

His research concerns the welfare state, institutions, development, globalization, trust and social norms.

He has published in journals such as European Economic Review, World Development, European Sociological Review and Public Choice. He is the author of 'Sweden and the revival of the capitalist welfare state" (Edward Elgar, 2014).

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Borde Solow-modellen kallas Swan-modellen?

Solows tillväxtmodell känner alla som läst nationalekonomi till. Av ett NBER-working paper lärde jag mig nyss att det var nära att modellen tillskrevs en helt annan forskare: Trevor Swan.

Ur abstract:

Trevor Swan independently developed the neoclassical growth model. Swan (1956) was published ten months later than Solow (1956), but included a more complete analysis of technical progress, which Solow treated separately in Solow (1957) ... Swan's reluctance to publish was consistent with his perhaps counterproductive modesty and perfectionism

Sist i pappret finns ett brev från Solow till Swan inskannat:

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Reader Comments (4)

Solow–Swan model kallades den i min makrokurs. En bra kompromiss tycker jag.
ja, mycket bra!
15 dec | Unregistered Commenterbergh
Larde mig den ocksa som Solow-Swan modellen. Minns inte riktigt vilken larobok dock. Kanske Romer eller Barro & Sala-i-martin.
16 dec | Unregistered Commenterpontus
Det ar forresten lite trevligt att lasa ett sadant sympatiskt brev. Nu fortiden hade man fatt nagot i stil med "it's trivial, it's wrong, and I already did it 1972". Om man ens hade fatt ett svar ...
16 dec | Unregistered Commenterpontus

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