Andreas Bergh is associate professor in Economics at Lund university and fellow at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics in Stockholm.

His research concerns the welfare state, institutions, development, globalization, trust and social norms.

He has published in journals such as European Economic Review, World Development, European Sociological Review and Public Choice. He is the author of 'Sweden and the revival of the capitalist welfare state" (Edward Elgar, 2014).

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Dricksens mysterier återbesökta

Några empiriska regelbundenheter om människors benägenhet att ge dricks på restauranger beskrivs i the New Yorker (artikeln bygger på forskning av Michael Lynn).
Det verkar inte vara ett sätt att belöna kvalitet:
On average, exceptional service raised tips by about 1.5 per cent,which, Lynn argues, is too small for waiters to notice. And countrieswhere there’s no tipping—like Australia and Japan—don’t have worseservice than the United States
Snarare verkar högre dricks orsakas av tendenser till personlig relation:
Squatting by the table instead of standing, writing “Thank you” on theback of checks, and touching customers on their shoulders allmeasurably improved tips. And waitresses at an upscale restaurant whosimply put flowers in their hair boosted their tips by seventeen percent.
Men hur ska man förklara den stora effekten av att stoppa blommor i håret?

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Reader Comments (4)

I am likely to tip the absolute minimum if waiters display the behaviours described above. I don't want them squatting by the table. I don't want them telling me their names. I don't care if they write ``Thank you'' on the check and, unless they are exemplars of pulchritude and wear flowers in their hair, I certainly don't want them touching me on the shoulder.
20 jan | Unregistered Commentervarnson
Söta flickor får mer dricks?
24 jan | Unregistered CommenterZibbo
On average, ja.
24 jan | Unregistered Commentervarnson
En annan trolig orsak till dricksandet är att kunden vill visa sin status, för till exempel middagssällskapet. Då får genast den verkliga servicen mindre betydelse (som ju också Lynns undersökning visade). Summa summarum, jag tror folk dricksar av samma anledning som de går i Converse fast det är svinkallt ute. Kommunicera sin status/sina värderingar.

Och då kanske andra faktorer är intressanta att studera, såsom restaurangens läge, prisnivå, huruvida middagssällskapet är en date eller ett jobbmöte, hurdan inkomst kunden har. m.m.

But then again, ibland är det kanske bara servitrisen med blommor i håret man vill impa på. För hon har blommor i sitt hår...
24 jan | Unregistered CommenterLilla jag

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