Hjälper det laget att gå på hemmamatcher i fotboll?
24 aug 2008, kl 12:52 | Lite väl akademiskt, Samhälle och politik
Svar: Ja. Domarna - åtminstone i Italien - påverkas av det sociala trycket från publiken, enligt Stockholmsekonomerna Per Pettersson-Lidbom och Mikael Priks
We find that referees punish away players much more harshly and home players much more lightly when the games are played in front of spectators compared to when they are not. We find no evidence for the alternative hypothesis that home and away players are affected differently in these games along a number of different outcomes of players, such as the number of tackles. Our results therefore suggest that referees exhibit home bias caused by social pressure from the spectators.
Reader Comments (1)
De riktigt bra domarna kan dock stå emot detta tryck och det är precis det dom gör. Oftast iaf :)