Rolig gissningslek om vattenprojekt i Afrika

Vem eller vilka är det som beskriver sitt arbete med vattentillförsel i Afrika i citaten nedan? Gissa gärna utan att googla!
1. "Africa’s water crisis threatens the health of its population and, therefore, its prospects for economic growth [...] Helping African communities tackle their water challenges is an important priority [...] XX currently has water projects in 19 African countries – Angola, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Cote d’ Ivoire, Kenya, Mali, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda and Zambia"
2. "One of the most effective ways of combating poverty and saving resources is functioning support for water and sanitation. [...] The lack of clean water and poor sanitation often sends societies into a negative spiral that slows down developments and costs major resources."
Svar kommer snart!
1. är från Coca Cola, 2 är från Sida.

Reader Comments (6)
1. Coca-cola
2. Världsbanken
1. haller med Jacob, Coca-cola