Andreas Bergh is associate professor in Economics at Lund university and fellow at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics in Stockholm.

His research concerns the welfare state, institutions, development, globalization, trust and social norms.

He has published in journals such as European Economic Review, World Development, European Sociological Review and Public Choice. He is the author of 'Sweden and the revival of the capitalist welfare state" (Edward Elgar, 2014).

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Varför visualisera data?

Jag brukar säga åt uppsatsstudenter att visualisera data med scatterplots innan de börjar köra stata eller SPSS. Tack vare Richard Öhrvall har jag numera ett dunderargument för detta, hämtat från en klassisk artikel av Anscombe, vari presenteras 4*11 datapunkter med den intressanta egenskapen att medelvärde, standardavvikelse är identiska för samtliga fyra datamängdet – och en OLS-regression ger i samtliga fyra fall  sambandet y=3+0,5x (p = 0,03, R2 = 0,67).

Den som visualiserar data ser dock snabbt att regressionen inte ger riktigt hela bilden:


Tack Richard!

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  • Response
    I am writing a research paper and collecting information on this topic. Your post is one of the better that I have read. Thank you for putting this information into one location.
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    Response: sohairextensions
    I mean, they are great apps and I am sure that many of us will download at least a few of them, but it is not like they’re topping the charts or anything.

Reader Comments (1)

At one time, cipher would admission acclimatized the difference. Fortunately it is no best so.

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